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Superior Quality + Standards


These oil blends are handmade in small batches in los Angeles with the highest grade essential oils on the market.  these uniQue essential oils are produced by small artisan distillers who produce essential oils for the sole purpose of therapeutic use.  many are wild harvested or hand grown on small farms or plantations with great care.  


we do not offer oils that have been mass produced for the commercial market.  in many cases, there is only enough artisan Quality essential oil produced to supply a limited number of customers annually.  

Highest Artisan Quality


this Quality level of essential oil can not be found in corporate health food stores, network marketing companies, or big online retail suppliers.  our oil suppliers have long term personal relationships with all of their artisans and small distillers.  ensuring purity and pharmaceutical grade of all oils.  

CO  - Creation  Cultivation


Each year, we find that more of our distillers are producing oils in co-creation. This can include using biodynamic and sustainable farming methods, growing organically, harvesting in ceremony, and connecting consciously with the plants for permission and harvest advice.


The methods may differ from one place to another, yet the intentions are the same. These intentions are to honor what is here, create balance for sustainability, and respect what is given by the Earth and the plants. We feel that this intention carries through into the spirit and energy of the essential oil produced.  


Highest FreQuency Level Possible


In addition, we work with each essential oil as it arrives at BAER INTENTIONS, to restore and maintain the highest freQuency level possible. For energy healers, massage therapists, those in a medical profession, and people who simply want the best,  this Quality level is a reQuirement for getting superior results.

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